Pictures and News from WWLSC Events.   Click here for Walks here for Racing Here for Xmas Lunches here for Fullers

2012-13 eventsDSC07318 Peter Dave Graham H Roy Graham Hawkins DInner

  • Brighton end of season events - The Wake and the Dogs pix here
  • 1980 League Cup Winners 33rd Anniversary Dinner 15th March 2013 details here
  • Graham Hawkins charity dinner here - at Molineux 11th October 2012 pix here

2011-12 events

  • London Wolves end-of-season outing Saturday 5th May.  Contact Roy/Peter details on Facebook Roy Eagles posted in Wolverhampton Wanderers - London Wolves Supporters Club
  • London Wolves Xmas lunch with Steve Daley, Waggy and King John pictures here
  • At the Dogs - Wimbledon before the Chelsea Match here
  • Meet the Players - pictures here
  • Horse racing pictures here
  • League Cup dinner organised by Route39 League Cup Dinner with the goal scorers Andy, Kenny and King John - in aid of Compton Hospice - March 16th 2012 (Friday before the Man Utd match at Molineux) click here

2010-11 events

  • LONDON WOLVES 45th Anniversary Dinner at The Valley Saturday July 16th 2011 with Wolves stars from the last 45 years here
  • Ten-pin bowling before the Stoke match (August 14th) pictures
  • London Wolves North of the Border - Tynecastle for the pre-season friendly August 2010 here
  • London Wolves AGM -26th June 2010 at Brockley - agenda and previous AGM minutes click here
  • London Wolves walk 19th June 2010 - the Thames path - Eight Bells Fulham to Chiswick here

2009-2010 Events

  • Saturday 8th May - Strykers and Curry - contact Roy for details
  • Friday April 16th Meet The Players before the Fulham match - pictures and report click here
  • Saturday 27th March (b4 the Everton match) bowling at Styrkers
  • Wolves Allstars Charity matches - managed by Mel Eves see the Allstars page here
  • Monday March 8th Kit Sponsors’ Lunch (Molineux) here
  • Thursday January 14th Hall of Fame induction dinner here
  • Sunday 20th December Xmas lunch here
  • Friday October 2nd Fullers Brewery here
  • London Wolves Walk - 4th July 2009 - following the course of the River Wandle. here

2008-2009 Events

  • Sherpa Van Reunion Dinner Thursday 25th September
  • AGM 28th June here
  • London Wolves goes to the Dogs here

2007-2008 Events

AGM - Saturday 7th June 2008 - Brockley Social Club, Lewisham SE4 2SU  photos, report here  and minutes here

  • The Chairman’s Flabber is Gasted....... here and Harley Bill’s 7,000 mile ride to Alaska

2008 Masters here 

Meet the Players 28th March 2008- details  pictures here

2006-2007 Season Events

  • AGM 28th July 2007 here
  • Meet the Players Friday 13th April 2007 17:30 - here - you need to be logged in
  • Saturday evening at the races - Saturday 28th April 2007 (following the QPR home match) - Soul Night at the Wolverhampton Racecourse.  First race 18:45pm Entertainment 21:45.  Send a note to by 12th April if you are interested or contact Roy Eagles direct who is arranging this.
  • Iggy Cartwright Dinner here

2005-2006 Season Events

  • 22nd July 2006 40th Anniversary event at The Valley Millennium Suite more details
  • Nobby & Phil with LeeAGM 15th July 2006 here
  • Kit Sponsors Lunch at Compton London Wolves are proud to sponsor the Wolves’ current longest serving player, Lee Naylor pictures here
  • Meet the players held Friday 17th March 18:15 before the Reading game pictures

2004-2005 Season Events:

    Meet the players Held Friday 29th April 18:15  at Reading - see Diary/Meet Players

    AGM - July 16th here

2003-2004 season events:

MEET THE PLAYERS 29th April 2005

London Wolves annual “Meet the Players” was held on 29th April at the team hotel for the Reading away match (what a great win). The players all seemed up for the match and they all applauded warmly as their choice of Players’ Player of the Season was also awarded WWLSC Player of the Season for the second time - Joleon Lescott.  Lee Naylor, runner up, said “My award was bigger and it’s still on my wall”. For the WWLSC Roll of Honour please click here

Glenn Hoddle had kindly agreed to continue this tradition and spent 45 minutes asking us questions before fielding the obvious one (amongst others) himself. 

Asked by Stef what he could say about the contract negotations, he spotted a water skiier and asked what on earth Kenny was up to.

More pictures, including Kenny without his hat on, Glenn’s pro-zone quiz questions, and some of the other answers from Glenn are on the Meet the Players page in the members’ section (here).

The players had come down from Wolverhampton to the warmest day of the year, brilliiant sunshine and a training day at England Headquarters at Bisham Abbey, well prepared for a great result at the Madejski on Saturday (won 1-2).

Meet the Players evening - 26th March 2004

London Wolves were very grateful to the Club and to Dave Jones for allowing us an hour with the players before the Chelsea match on 27th March at a nearby hotel.

On hand to greet us was Captain Paul Ince and several of the players.  Then we were able to join them in a relaxing and informal area for drinks before DJ sent them to bed at 9ish.  Already lined up as man of the season, Alex Rae was there, Sparky (Mark Kennedy), Vio Ganea, Lee Naylor and others.  We talked with Vio about his family’s move.

After an hour or so of general chat with the players, DJ and his main staff members kindly gave us an another hour to ask about anything we liked.

The obvious question about “how much did you get/why couldn’t you buy the players you needed/....” were openly answered by Dave.  He quoted his response to SJH’s question “how much would it cost to win the Premiership?” saying £70 million.   Abramovich could have got it cheaper then with Dave as his manager.

We were treated also to an in-depth review of the various injuries - especially to Matt and Joleon and George by the club doctor (DJ warned us not to ask!)

This was a really enjoyable evening with some really nice genuine people.

Players’ Evening - End of Season party- June

Second, at the end of season party / Players’ evening in Wolverhampton following the Tottenham match, the true Wolves Player of the Season was presented with our award by Chairman Stuart Earl.... Alex Rae, also scorer of Wolves only Premiership Goal of the month, was serenaded with a chorus of “he’s got no hair but we don’t care, Alex, Alex Rae”.  We wished Alex every success as he moves to Glasgow Rangers

The entire Club was also overwhelmed by the outstanding buffet provided by Tracy and Ryan Nelson and Lynne and Alan (Nobby) Blount.

Also attending were real heroes of the 1974 League Cup final....Goalkeeper Gary Pierce, in for the injured Phil Parkes (then on £25 a week plus a fiver if he played and kept a clean sheet!) made so many excellent saves to be the real man of the match.  And John McAlle, who made more appearances than any other player in the 73-74 season. If you haven’t bought the video do so! Stef Leonard auctioned three copies at the event.

Two of the most popular members of London Wolves were recognised for their outstanding work for the club - Dave Slape and Peter Woodifield - who were presented with tankards.

Here are Peter and Dave receiving their awards from John McAlle and Gary Pierce


Also at the meeting were our outstanding goalie  Phil Parkes (the real one) and Terry Wharton and Jean, his wife.   Here’s London Wolves member Robert looking on on what must have been a cracker of a joke, before they posed, and Terry addressing the meeting with Stuart.


Annual General Meeting  July 10th 2004 here

2004-5 AGM - Saturday 16th April 2005 here

AGM 2006 here


    AGM 2006-7 - 28th July 2007 here

    AGM 2008 at the Brockley Social Club 7th June 2008 here

 FULLERS’  BREWERY Visit October 2009

Our grateful thanks to John Roberts MD of Fullers BeDSC00053er Company and John Keeling, Head Brewer for a great evening out on the Friday before the Portsmouth “match”.  Fortunately the effects probably hadn’t worn off so we could get through the defeat by Pompey.  JK is a ManUre supporter, but JR was very pleased to be presented with honorary membership of London Wolves by chairman Stoo.

 You can book visits to the brewery - it’s a great couple of hours.  Call..020 8996 2063.


Meet in the Mawson Arms next doorS73R0030. - and Peter and Carol were first in... or maybe not as we found Stan hanging around in the bar (actually it was Henry Fuller) but maybe Stan should claim his inheritance!!


and soon the others arrived.  “have you seen my thingy, Steve?” asked Chairperson Stoo.  And then mine host arrived to welcome us, gear us up in glo jackets and introduce us to the amazingly knowledgable Head Brewer, John Keeling who showed us all the nuts and bolts of the brewery.


London Wolves North of the Border

An intrepid band set out bright and early from Kings Cross on Monday 2nd August to venture abroad to Scotland for ale, culture, a bit more ale (India Pale) and the pre-season friendly at Heart of Midlothian, Tynecastle.  Pictures courtesy of Carol Randall

  • Ready for the off at Kings Cross 0700 hrs Monday 2nd August +  The ‘Gang’ ready to go
  • Hearts01 0700 KingsXHearts02 0700 KingsX
  • Edinburgh Waverley Station 1140 hrs  + First stop ‘The Standing Order’ Wetherspoon’s on George Street for breakfast
  • Hearts03 at 11-40amHearts04 So front entrance
  • While we waited to check in we checked out ‘Ryrie’s’ by Haymarket Station ‘Ryrie’s’ also one of the local watering places recommended for away fans  + Room with a view.  From left to right St Mary’s Cathedral , Edinburgh Castle and Authur’s Seat on Salisbury Crags
  • Hearts05 RyriesHearts07 hotel view
  • Back into town. A quick stop in the ‘Rose and Crown’ + Rear entrance to ‘The Standing Order’
  • Hearts08 Rose n CrownHearts09 Standing Order
  • The Scott Monument looking down St David Street
Hearts10 Scott Monument
‘La Rusticana’ on Hanover Street was our stop for a quick evening meal  + Back to ‘The Standing Order’ and look who we bump intoHearts11 RusticanaHearts12 LW with Deuchars IPAThe look says ‘What is going on over there?’ (or rather isn’t it Stoo’s round - where’s he gone
Hearts14 LW at Tynecastle
Hearts13 isnt it Stooos round....Tuesday morning and an early visit to Hearts ground. ‘Pay at the gate’ was the reply to our enquiry for ticketsTime for a quick look around + The away fans stand – we ended up in the top right hand side Hearts15 LW at TynecastleHearts16sAbove the entrance to the shop  + Get your own ‘Hearts’ Kilt                    Hearts17sHearts18sWhat to do while we wait for kick off? A walk around the castle - Fortress Molineux anyone? +   The ‘One O’clock Gun’Hearts19sHearts20sLook what we can see – Hearts ground on the right and Murrayfield  to the left   + The OTHER big gun – Mons MegHearts21sHearts22sAn ‘Army’ football programme from 1944. Some well known names on this including goalkeeper -  Cyril Sidlow,  outside-left - Jimmy Mullen and left-half - Matt Busby  + Information about the programme’s history

Hearts23sHearts24sTime to leave – need a pint after all that history
History of ‘The World’s End’ on the Royal Mile  +  ‘The World’s End’ was our second stop down the Royal Mile after the ‘The Mitre’ Hearts26sHearts27sHistory of ‘Jenny Ha’s’   + Jenny Ha’sHearts29sHearts30sIn ‘JenHearts28sny Ha’s’ , Simon ‘s checking where we are and John ‘s checking his messages.  + Tynecastle
Hearts15 LW at Tynecastle
!900 hrs kick off.  Stephen Ward in action   + David Edwards in action with Nenad Milijas and George Elokobi  waitingHearts31 Wardy after kickoffHearts32 Dave EdwardsHalf-time and we are winning  2 – 0 + End of the game – ended 2 – 0 with Greg Halford and Stephen Ward scoring the goalsHearts33 LW at TynecastleHearts34 Final Whistle 0-2Close up of Hearts + Close up of MurrayfieldHearts36Hearts 36 MurrayfieldCarol –  Our ‘Official Photographer’Hearts37 Carol the Photographer

Sat 14th August 2010 bowling before the Stoke match

pix Robert Goddard    The team at lunch - pint included


New balls please;         action shots 



WIMBLEDON DOGS (Friday 25th November 2011) (before the Chelsea match) (pix Rob Goddard) here


League Cup Dinner organised by Route39 - More pictures here   

League Cup Dinner with the goal scorers Andy, Kenny and King John - in aid of Compton Hospice - March 16th
15. A rare photo of John Richards, Andy Gray and Kenny Hibbitt holding the League Cup
2012 (Friday before the Man Utd match at Molineux) League Cup Dinner - in aid of Compton Hospice run by Route 39


Thursday 11th OctDSC07359ober Molineux - A Charity Dinner organised by former Wolves ManaDSC07375ger Graham Hawkins with Graham Turner, Sludge Lees,  Ron Flowers, Gerry Harris, John Richards, Mike Bailey, David Wagstaffe and Geoff Palmer, Fred Davis, Wayne Clark Jim Barron and more including Doug Hope, a director when Doog was chairman.  We shared a  London Wolves table with our friends from DDCWWFCSC

Graham is the only person who was a Wolves fan when young, a Wolves player, and a Wolves manager.  To add to his uniqueness he also took Wolves into the top flight in 1983-4 in the Doog led rescue - a feat which took another 18 years etc to emulate under Dave Jones.  Graham persuaded Graham Turner to help him at the dinner, as well as an earlier one at Shrewsbury,  raising thousands for the Deanesly Oncology Centre at DSC07312New Cross Hospital and for the cancer unit at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.





















Wolfie - punch-up winner