At the 2009-10 Meet the Players Chairman Earl presented Kevin Doyle with his player of the season trophy, with Club 100416 WWLSC POTY Kevin Doyle-sCaptain Jody Craddock in second place and Captain Karl Henry in third.   A great turnout with 60 plus members and the entire first team squad for the Fulham match plus the coaches.   Our sincere thanks to Mick McCarthy for again allowing this memorable event to take place.  Thank you too to the entire squad who were so friendly, especially to the younger members present... some walking away with their shirts full of autographs - they’re promising to wear the shirts to school!

IMG_2052 DavidB

100416 Mick Harry S73R0092100416 Mick S73R0087100416 Stoo follow meS73R0063100416 SEB Sammy S73R0091100416 Wayne S73R0089100416 John Harry Terry S73R0093100416 Sheila MerlynS73R0055100416 Wardy with excited Hammers fan S73R0110100416 WWLSC POTY2 Jody with Stoke scar2100416 Marcus Stoo Agent story S73R0107100416 Dave E S73R0080100416 I got a gold disk S73R0102100416 Chris you are awful S73R0090100416 Do get on with it S73R0097100416 Players S73R0066SL270696





Wolfie - punch-up winner